General Principles of Transfer Credit

Coursework transferred or accepted for credit toward a certificate or a degree must represent collegiate coursework relevant to the student’s degree plan. In assessing and documenting equivalent learning and qualified faculty, Trenholm State uses recognized guides that aid in the evaluation for credit. Such guides include those published by the American Council on Education, The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and the National Association of Foreign Student Affairs.

The Registrar is charged with the initial evaluation of transcripts for potential transfer of credit. The Registrar has the authority to approve transfer credit applicable to a student’s degree plan when (a) the transferred course meets the General Principles for Transfer of Credit as previously outlined and (b) the course name, level, description, and learning outcomes substantially match that of the course for which credit is awarded in the student’s degree plan. In addition, the Registrar may grant transfer credit for a specific course in a student’s degree plan when the transferred course is of a higher level and has the specific course (or one with substantially similar learning outcomes) as a prerequisite. For example, the Registrar may grant credit for MTH 100 (Intermediate Algebra) if the student earned a grade of C or better in MTH 112 (Pre-Calculus Algebra) for which MTH 100 is a prerequisite.

Other potentially transferable courses are evaluated for credit toward the student’s degree plan cooperatively by the Registrar and designated faculty member. For general education courses, the designated faculty member is the lead academic instructor credentialed in the discipline. For technical courses in the student’s major, the designated faculty member is the corresponding Program Coordinator. In determining whether the credit is awarded, the Registrar and designated faculty member consider evidence such as the course description, the credentials of the instructor who taught the course, and the curriculum and learning outcomes detailed in the course syllabus. Credit is awarded when the evidence affirms that the student has achieved the knowledge, skills, and experiences comparable to those attained by students who successfully complete the required course at Trenholm State.

The College will accept courses completed at other duly accredited colleges for transfer credit only when the student earned a passing grade of “C” or higher in the course and the course is part of the student’s degree plan at Trenholm. Higher grades may be required by the College for selected courses provided the higher grades are also required in courses for native students.

  • Transfer credit accepted for coursework completed at another institution will reflect the letter grade earned and is not included in Trenholm State’s GPA calculation.
  • Transfer credit(s) will be evaluated during the first term of enrollment, only if transferrable grades are “C” or better. College transcripts will only be evaluated when all transcripts are received.
  • Awarding of transfer credit to fulfill graduation requirements will be based on the applicability of the credits to the requirements of the degree pursued.
  • Credit may be extended based on a comprehensive evaluation of demonstrated and documented competencies and previous formal training. (See section on Alternative Sources of Credit).

Courses completed at Trenholm State may transfer to other duly accredited colleges and to the technical divisions of community colleges. Credits may transfer to the academic divisions of community colleges or to four-year colleges/universities. However, the decision on the acceptance of transfer credits always rests with the receiving college. All requests concerning transfer courses should be directed to the college/university to which a student plans to transfer.

Credit for Prior Learning

It is the philosophy of Trenholm State Community College that a student should not be required to repeat a learning experience for knowledge or skills currently possessed by the applicant. Therefore, if prior learning can be appropriately documented, the applicant may be awarded credit or advanced placement.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a means for a student to receive college-level credit for learning that took place in a non-traditional learning environment, such as on-the-job training, military training, professional development seminars, volunteerism, and in-field experience. PLA relies heavily on aligning learning gained through experience with outcomes found in traditional courses of higher education. A maximum of 25% of non-traditional credit may be awarded and applied toward graduation. Non-traditional credit is not posted to the student’s transcript until the student is enrolled. Non-traditional credit may not count toward the 25% of TSCC work needed to satisfy residency for graduation. Students may not earn credit, through non-traditional academic work, for any course in which a grade has previously been received. PLA applies only to non-academic, non-transfer courses.

Military Credit

Military credit may be granted for any military service school or for any United States Armed Forces Institute/Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Services (USAFI/DANTES). Subject tests that have been satisfactorily completed and are determined to have a course equivalent in the student’s degree plan will be accepted.

Credit awarded through nontraditional means for academic transfer courses may be awarded by examination or nationally recognized guidelines (AP, CLEP, ACT/ PEP, DSST, Challenge Exams, ACE PONSI/CREDIT, ACE/MILITARY) or through other statewide programs identified by the Alabama Community College System.

Advanced Placement

Trenholm State recognizes a number of Advanced Placement (AP) courses that are taken in high school and supplemented by satisfactory scores on National Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program. With a score of 3 or higher, students receive credit for a minimum of one course in the subject area corresponding to the test. Credit is awarded based on students’ majors. Trenholm State is not currently a testing center for Advanced Placement examinations but will evaluate and accept credits for AP examinations for courses listed in the college catalog. Students who apply for AP credit should contact the Records Office.

Industry-Recognized Credentials

Credit(s) may be awarded for prior learning that has been verified and assessed through an industry-recognized credentialing process. Individual departments may identify specific licensure and/or certification that will be accepted for course credit. The departmental faculty and the appropriate Dean will establish specific course credits to be awarded for specific industry credentials. The department must verify the credentials of the applicant requesting credit and attach supporting documentation for review by the appropriate Deans. There is no fee for the evaluation of industry-recognized credentials.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Trenholm State welcomes students from a wide variety of backgrounds. The College recognizes students’ prior learning by accepting credits earned from the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) if there is a course equivalent in the student’s degree plan. Credit for CLEP subject examinations is granted based on 50th percentile scores with courses awarded for credit listed in the College Catalog. Trenholm State is not currently a testing center for CLEP examinations but will evaluate and accept credits for CLEP examinations for courses listed in the college catalog. The College may grant up to 25% of the total credits required for degree completion. Students will be responsible for scheduling and paying for CLEP examinations. For information on testing centers, examinations, fees and other details, please visit the College Board website