Refund Policy

Partial Withdrawal

Students who do not completely withdraw from the College but drop a class during the regular drop/add period will be refunded the difference in the tuition paid and the tuition rate applicable to the reduced number of hours, including fees appropriate to the classes dropped. There is no refund due to a student who partially withdraws after the official drop/add period. The last day to drop/add is published as part of the College calendar and conforms to the guidelines issued by the Alabama Community College System.

Complete Withdrawal

Students who officially withdraw from all classes for which they are registered before the first day of class for the semester/term will be refunded the total amount of tuition and other refundable fees. The “first day of class” is the first day classes are offered within any term configuration, including, but not limited to, full terms, split terms, mini-terms, and weekend terms. Students who officially withdraw entirely on or after the first day of class but before the end of the third week of class will be refunded according to the withdrawal date, as follows:

Total Withdrawal before the official first day of class 100% refund
Total Withdrawal during the first week   75% refund
Total Withdrawal during the second week      50% refund
Total Withdrawal during the third week              25% refund
Total Withdrawal after the end of the third week      0% REFUND

An administrative fee not to exceed 5% of tuition and other refundable institutional charges shall be assessed for each withdrawal within the period beginning the first day of class and ending at the end of the third week of class. The first official day of class is indicated on the College calendar as the day that classes begin. There is only one first day of class. This day may not be the first day on which all classes begin. The calendar also indicates the last day to drop/add. For calculating refunds during the fall and spring sixteen-week terms, a “week” is defined as seven calendar days, i.e., the first day of class running seven calendar days (inclusive of Saturday and Sunday). Refunds shorter than sixteen weeks, such as summer terms, mini-terms, split terms, and weekend terms, will reflect a prorated week based on the number of days in the term.


Classes begin June 14; student withdraws June 17.
Fourth day = 75% Refund due.

Tuition/fees paid: $648.00
       x .75
Administrative Fee    -32.40
Round to nearest dollar $453.60
Refund amount $454.00

Students should be aware that a withdrawal from any or all courses during their enrollment will affect their Satisfactory Academic Progress and impact future financial aid eligibility.

Ineligibility for Refund

Students who are withdrawn by H. Councill Trenholm State Community College for disciplinary reasons, non-payment of tuition and fees, or for other similar reasons, non-payment of tuition and fees, or other similar reasons, non-payment of tuition, and/ or for other similar reasons are not eligible for a refund.

Tuition Assistance (TA) Refund Policy (Funds to be returned to the Department of Defense (DoD)

Complete Withdrawal before and during weeks 1-2 100% return
Refund during weeks 3-4   75% return
Refund during weeks 5      50% return
Refund during week 9             30% return (60% of the course is completed at 9.6 weeks)
Refund during week 10 or more      No Refund is due

Refund Payment

Refunds are processed after the drop/add period. Students paying tuition and fees by cash will be issued a refund check. The check will be mailed to the home address of the student. Students paying tuition and fees by credit card will have the amount of the refund credited to their account. Students should allow 30 days for refund processing to complete.

Refund for Alabama National Guard and Reservists Called to Active Duty

Students who are active members of the Alabama National Guard or reservists or who are active-duty military who are called to active duty by executive order of the President of the United States or a State Governor in a time of national crisis may receive a refund of tuition and other appropriate institutional charges at the time of withdrawal. If a National Guard Student is receiving Title IV funding, a recalculation must be performed as required by Federal Title IV regulations, which could result in less than a 100% refund.

Exceptions to Refund Policy

The President has the authority to make exceptions to the refund policy in the event of the death of a student or of a family member or other catastrophic event requiring the student to leave the institution.

Returned Checks

Two-year colleges have been authorized by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees to charge for each check that is issued to the institution and is returned for insufficient funds or other reasons. A fee will be charged for any check written to the College that is returned. The current amount of the returned check fee allowed by state law is $30.00, which is the maximum allowed by state law. The College utilizes a third party to collect and process returned checks. Students with returned checks will be placed on processing hold until all charges have been paid and may remain on a “cash only” basis subsequently.

Failure to Receive Financial Aid Disbursement Check

All students are required to maintain current mailing address information through the Office of Admissions. If a student fails to receive a financial aid disbursement check that has been mailed, a 21-day waiting period will be in effect from the date the check was mailed before the replacement process will be initiated. Students are encouraged to enroll in eRefunds via their My Trenholm student account. Verifying correct and current account information is the student's sole responsibility. Account information should include the student’s Trenholm email address for deposit notification(s). It is important to note that the bank account may only be in the student’s name.


Trenholm State’s Bookstore is available online only. Trenholm State has partnered with for student book needs. Students must order their books through their “My Trenholm” portal. Many classes have the option to buy new or used books, rent textbooks, or rent digital eBooks. Students will be personally responsible for all unallowable charges to financial aid, such as duplicate book purchases. Disabled Veterans using benefits under the Chapter 31 Program and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded students are eligible to order their books online but will need to submit their signed book receipts to the appropriate individual in the Business Office. Failure to submit book receipts will result in the student being responsible for all books purchased and their account placed on hold until it is cleared. Orders will be delivered directly to the student’s home. Detailed ordering instructions can be found on the Trenholm State website under the Bookstore section or by following this link: uploads/files/e-Campus_detailed_ordering_instructions. pdf. Items purchased from the online bookstore may be returned in accordance to Return and Refund Policies. Students are responsible for shipping books back to e-Campus. Return and Refund Policies can be found at topic/after-you-order/2.

Bookstore Return Policy

Items purchased from the online bookstore may be returned in accordance to Return and Refund Policies. Students are responsible for shipping books back to e-Campus. Return and Refund Policies can be found at topic/after-you-order/2.

Cashiers Office

The Cashier is available at the Trenholm and Patterson campuses per the schedule below. For assistance or to inquire about hours of operation, please call (334) 420-4272.

Trenholm Campus:

Monday -Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Patterson Campus: