Registration and Course Information

The Office of Student Records provides information and services to meet the needs of the Trenholm State faculty, staff, students, and community. The department maintains student academic records, facilitates advising and registration each semester for credit classes, and verifies and certifies student enrollment status. In addition to planning the Commencement Ceremony, the department is responsible for the processing of grade changes, transfer credits, awarding of certificates and degrees, curriculum updates, degree plans, and change of majors. To this end, the Office is responsible for maintaining timely and accurate records of the academic progress and accomplishments of Trenholm students, while maintaining the privacy and security of those records.


Academic advising is a critical part for students seeking a degree or certificate or planning to take courses prior to transferring to a four-year institution from Trenholm State. Its primary purpose is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans that are compatible with their life goals. Every student enrolled is assigned a faculty advisor.

Faculty advisors are available in each program to advise students regarding courses, programs, and career planning along guided pathways to ensure success in their respective programs of study. Advisors are available during advising days and regular office hours throughout the semester. Prior to each semester, students are ultimately responsible for consulting with their faculty advisor to plan their course of study and review  their degree plan for a timely graduation.

The Faculty Advisor Directory is published on the College's website: https://www Trenholm state edu/ programs/ faculty-advisor/.

Students who experience academic difficulty or consider withdrawal from the College for any reason are encouraged to contact their advisor or the Student Success Center.


Registration dates are listed in the calendar section of the College Catalog. During the scheduled registration, Trenholm State students must consult with their faculty advisor to select courses appropriate for their major. Students must complete the registration process by registering online via their "My Trenholm" Portal.

Specific registration information is contained in instructions distributed to students before each semester begins. Registration is held each semester according to scheduled dates, and procedures are published on the College's website, www.trenho, and the College Calendar. A schedule of courses is published on the College's website ( each semester. Students are responsible for registering each semester.

Trenholm State may withhold the privilege of a student’s registration for the following reasons:

  • Unpaid Fees
  • Unreturned Library Books
  • Incomplete Admissions Records

Time and Location of Courses

Trenholm State Community College offers most courses and instructional programs with day, evening, and online schedules. Courses are offered at the Trenholm Campus, the Patterson Site, Culinary Arts, and online. All courses meet the same standards and have the same requirements regardless of the time, place, or delivery method.


A student who fails a course in a sequence cannot take the succeeding course before making up for the failure. Prerequisites for a course must be met before the requisite course is taken.

Course Load

The maximum course load is nineteen (19) semester credit hours. A student may take more than nineteen (19) semester credit hours only with special permission from the Program Coordinator and the appropriate Dean. The Course Overload form is on the College's website student- forms/. All students have a maximum of twenty-four (24) semester credit hours. The student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 to request over 19 hours. The minimum load for a regular full-time student is twelve (12) semester credit hours. Students who are enrolled in developmental courses are strongly encouraged to enroll in 12 hours or less each term until all developmental courses have been completed

Schedule Changes/Drop and Add

All student schedule changes must be made during the official schedule change period. Students may change their schedules by accessing their "My Trenholm" Portal.

Student Classification

Students who have earned less than 30 credit hours are classified as freshmen. Students who enroll for less than twelve (12) credit hours in a semester are classified as part-time students. Part-time students' programs of study should conform to the general curriculum requirements of all students. Students registered at the College for twelve (12) credit hours or more in a semester are classified as full-time students.

Academic Freedom

Trenholm State Community College seeks to provide an atmosphere where students can make open and honest intellectual inquiry into any college matter appropriate for student participation. The student is free to express dissent to any college matter within the limits of good taste. Any student who believes his or her rights to academic freedom have been suppressed should follow the procedures outlined in the Grievance Appeals Procedures listed in the Student Handbook section of the Catalog.

Course Substitution

Generally, completion of the curriculum, as defined by program faculty, is required to be awarded a degree or certificate. It may be acceptable, on occasion, to substitute a different course/s for a course required in the curriculum.

Course substitutions will be made when the resulting substitution is relevant to the course it replaces and maintains the integrity of the academic program. No more than 25% of the total credit hours required in a degree or certificate program may be substituted. Credit for course substitutions required for a degree or certificate must be recommended by the program coordinator and approved by the Division Chair, Registrar, and the appropriate Dean.

The Program Coordinator must submit a Course Substitution Request form listing the required course(s) and the requested Substitution course(s) to the appropriate Division Chair. Upon completion, the Division Chair forwards the request to the Registrar and the appropriate Dean for review. The Course Substitution form is located on the College's website: https://www.trenholmstate .edu/current-students/student-forms/. 

Assignment of Course Instructor

The College reserves the right to change instructors listed to teach courses due to class cancellations, splits, or other conditions that might necessitate the reassignment of instructors. Students should be cautioned that the listing of an instructor's name to teach a course in the schedule of classes is no guarantee that the instructor will teach the course.

Course Cancellation

If the course is canceled, the class will be deleted, and no grade will be assigned.

Independent Study Courses

In certain unusual circumstances, the appropriate Dean may permit a student to take a course by independent study upon recommendation of the Division Director and instructor. Permission will be based on such factors as future course availability, completion for graduation, and the student's academic record. The student's grade point average will be considered before approval to take a course by independent study is granted. A student will not be allowed to take more than one independent study course per semester.

Transient students and other students with unknown GPAs will not be allowed to take any courses by independent study.

Change of Major

A student accepted and enrolled in a program and seeks to pursue a different program must meet the requirements for admission to the new program. Students who change their program will follow the College Catalog's curriculum requirements for that current academic year. Students are cautioned that changing a program may impact the student's financial aid status. Students who desire to change their major must complete the Change of Major Form on the Student Information webpage.