Financial Aid Programs

The College participates in the following Federal Student Aid (FSA) Programs as authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (Title IV, HEA Program):

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Federal Work-Study Program (FWSP)

The College also participates in the Alabama Student Assistance Program (ASAP).

Alabama Student Assistance Program (ASAP)

The Alabama Student Assistance Program (ASAP) provides a limited amount of State grant funds to eligible Alabama residents with the lowest Student Aid Index (SAI) who demonstrate need and who are enrolled at least half-time.

Applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for assistance through the ASAP Program based on the availability of this fund at the College. If funds are available, students may receive FSEOG and ASAP funds in the same semester/term.

Return of Title IV Funds

Students who receive Federal Student Aid (FSA) and who fully withdraw, cease attending, or fail to complete the term may be required to repay unearned Title IV Funds awarded for the period of enrollment in which an official or unofficial withdrawal occurred. The term “Title IV Funds” refers to the Federal Student Aid (FSA) Programs authorized under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (Title IV, HEA Program), which includes the Federal Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG).

A Return of Title IV (R2T4) calculation is required for official and unofficial withdrawals.  An official withdrawal is the federal term used when a student begins the official withdrawal process or provides official notification to the school of his/her intent to withdraw.  An unofficial withdrawal occurs when a student fails to earn a passing grade in at least one attempted course or has a combination of withdrawals and failed courses. Furthermore, students who cease attendance or stop participating in classes without completing the formal withdrawal process are also considered an unofficial withdrawal.

The College must complete an R2T4 calculation and return any unearned Title IV Funds to the Department of Education no later than 45 days after determining a student’s withdrawal or ceased attendance. If a student has completed less than 60% of the term, all federal funds are re-calculated, and the difference must be returned to the appropriate Title IV Program. Students are responsible for repayment of any unearned Title IV funds after the R2T4 calculations are processed. An email notification will be sent to the student regarding unearned Title IV Funds due to the College. 

Students who complete over 60% of the term are considered to have earned Title IV aid and are not required to return any Title IV Funds.

Partial Withdrawal

Students who do not completely withdraw from the College but drop a class during the regular drop/add period will be refunded the difference in the tuition paid and the tuition rate applicable to the reduced number of hours, including fees appropriate to the classes dropped. There is no refund due to a student who partially withdraws after the official drop/add period. The last day to drop/add is published as part of the College calendar and conforms to the Alabama Community College System guidelines.

Complete Withdrawal

Students who officially withdraw from all classes for which they are registered before the first day of class for the semester/term will be refunded the total amount of tuition and other refundable fees. The “first day of class” is the first day classes are offered within any term configuration, including, but not limited to, full terms, split terms, mini-terms, and weekend terms. Students who officially withdraw completely on or after the first day of class but prior to the end of the third week of class will be refunded according to the withdrawal date, as follows:

Total Withdrawal before the official first day of class 100% refund
Total Withdrawal during the first week   75% refund
Total Withdrawal during the second week      50% refund
Total Withdrawal during the third week              25% refund
Total Withdrawal after the end of the third week      0% REFUND

An administrative fee not to exceed 5% of tuition and other refundable institutional charges shall be assessed for each withdrawal within the period beginning the first day of class and ending at the end of the third week of class. The first official day of class is indicated on the College calendar as the day that classes begin. There is only one first day of class. This day may not be the first day on which all classes begin. The calendar also indicates the last day to drop/add. For calculating refunds during the fall and spring sixteen-week terms, a “week” is defined as seven calendar days, i.e. the first day of class running seven calendar days (inclusive of Saturday and Sunday). Refunds shorter than sixteen weeks, such as summer terms, mini-terms, split terms, and weekend terms, will reflect a prorated week based on the number of days in the term.


Classes begin June 14; student withdraws June 17.
Fourth day = 75% Refund due.

Tuition/fees paid: $648.00
       x .75
Administrative Fee    -32.40
Round to nearest dollar $453.60
Refund amount $454.00

Students should be aware that a withdrawal from any or all courses during their enrollment will affect their Satisfactory Academic Progress and impact future financial aid eligibility.

Ineligibility for Refund

Students who are withdrawn by Trenholm State Community College for disciplinary reasons, for non-payment of tuition and fees, or for other similar reasons are not eligible for a refund.

Tuition Assistance (TA) Refund Policy (Funds to be returned to the Department of Defense (DoD)

Complete Withdrawal before and 
during weeks 1-2                                    = 100% return
Refund during week 3-4                         = 75% return
Refund during weeks 5                          = 50% return
Refund during week 9                            = 30% return (60% of the course is completed at 9.6 weeks)
Refund during week 10 or more            = No Refund is due

Revision and Cancellation of Financial Aid

The College reserves the right to review, revise, or cancel a financial aid award at any time due to financial or academic status changes or the student’s failure to comply with applicable Federal and/or State laws and/or Regulations or College policies. In addition, a financial aid award is subject to revision should the annual allocation of funds from the Federal government be reduced below the anticipated funding level for a program(s) or should budget limitations be placed upon funds that are intended for student financial aid purposes. In addition, students cannot receive need-based assistance in excess of their determined financial need.