Residency Policy 

For the purpose of assessing tuition, applicants for admission will be classified into one of three categories.

Resident Student

Tuition Rate – A resident student will be charged the in-state tuition rate established by the Alabama Community College System.

  • Eligibility –A resident student is an applicant for admission who meets all legal requirements or is a duly registered resident in the State of Alabama for at least twelve (12) months immediately preceding application for admission or whose non-estranged spouse has resided and had a habitation, home, and permanent residence in the State of Alabama for at least twelve (12) months immediately preceding application for admission. Consequently, an out-of-state student cannot attain resident student status only by attending school for twelve (12) months in the State of Alabama.
  • Dependents –In the case of minor dependents seeking admission, the parents, parent, or legal guardian of such minor dependent must have resided in the State of Alabama for at least twelve (12) months preceding application for admission. If the parents are divorced, the residence will be determined by the parent's residency to whom the court has granted custody.
  • Minor –An individual who, because of age, lacks the capacity to contract under Alabama law. Under current law, this means a single individual under nineteen (19) years of age and a married individual under eighteen (18) years of age but excludes an individual whose disabilities of non-age have been removed by a court of competent jurisdiction for a reason other than establishing a legal residence in Alabama. If the current law changes, this definition shall change accordingly.
  • Supporting Person –Either or both student's parents, parents who live together, or if the parents are divorced or living separately, then either the parent having legal custody or, if different, the parent providing the greater amount of financial support. If both parents are deceased or if neither has legal custody, the supporting person will mean, in the following order: the legal custodian of the student, the guardian, and the conservator.

Determination and Certification

In determining resident student status for the purpose of assessing tuition, the burden of proof lies with the applicant for admission.

  • Students who graduated from an Alabama high school or obtained a GED in the State of Alabama within three (3) years of the date of application for admission shall be considered resident students for tuition purposes.
  • An individual claiming to be a resident will certify by a signed statement each of the following:
    • A specific address or location within the State of Alabama as their residence.
    • An intent to remain at this address indefinitely.
    • Possession of more substantial connections to the State of Alabama than any other state.

The certification of the applicant's address and the intent to remain in the State indefinitely will determine residency status factors. The institution will determine residency status by evaluating the applicant's documentation as proof of connection with the State of Alabama. This evaluation will include the consideration of the following connections:

  • Consideration of the location of high school graduation.
  • Payment of Alabama state income taxes as a resident.
  • Ownership of a residence or other real property in the State and payment of state ad valorem taxes on the residence or property.
  • Full-time employment in the State.
  • Residence in the State of spouse, parents, or children.
  • Previous periods of residency in the State continuing for one (1) year or more.
  • Voter registration and voting in the State; more significantly, continuing voter registration in the State that initially occurred at least one year prior to the initial registration of the student in Alabama at a public institution of higher education.
  • Possession of state or local licenses to do business or practice a profession in the State.
  • Ownership of personal property in the State, payment of state taxes on the property, and possession of state license plates.
  • Continuous physical presence in the State for a purpose other than attending school, except for temporary absences for travel, military service, and temporary employment.
  • Membership in religious, professional, business, civic, or social organizations in the State.
  • Auxiliary services in the State of checking and savings accounts, safe deposit boxes, or investment accounts; and in-state address shown on selective service registration, driver's license, automobile title registration, hunting and fishing licenses, insurance policies, stock and bond registrations, last will and testament, annuities, or retirement plans.

Students determined to be eligible for resident tuition will maintain that eligibility upon re-enrollment within one (1) full academic year of their most recent previous enrollment unless there is evidence the student subsequently has abandoned resident status, for example, registering to vote in another state.

Students failing to re-enroll within one (1) full academic year must establish eligibility upon re-enrollment.

Non-Resident Student

  • A non-resident student is one who does not meet the standard of having resided in the State of Alabama for at least twelve (12) months immediately preceding application for admission.
  • A non-resident student will be charged the in-state tuition rate established by the Alabama Community College System under the following circumstances, provided the student is a citizen of the United States.

Dependent student

  • Whose supporting person is a full-time permanent employee of the institution at which the student is registering or
  • Whose supporting person can verify full-time permanent employment in Alabama and will commence said employment within ninety (90) days of registration or
  • Whose supporting person is a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school; or
  • Whose supporting person is an accredited member of a consular state assigned to duties in Alabama.

Non-Dependent student (as defined by Internal Revenue Codes)

  • Full-time permanent employee of the institution at which the student is registering or is the spouse of such an employee or
  • can verify full-time permanent employment within the State of Alabama or is the spouse of such an employee and will commence said employment within ninety (90) days of registration with the institution; or
  • is a member of or the spouse of a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school or
  • is an accredited member of, or the spouse of, an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama.

In determining non-resident student status for the purpose of assessing tuition costs, the burden of proof lies with the applicant for admission. The college may request proof that the applicant meets the stipulations noted above prior to admission.

Out-of-State Student

  • Any applicant for admission who does not fall into Section II (Non-Resident Student) above shall be charged a minimum tuition of two (2) times the resident tuition rate charged by that institution.
  • Students initially classified as ineligible for resident tuition will retain that classification for tuition purposes until documentation is provided verifying eligibility for resident tuition.

Residency Policy for Veterans, Dependents, and Spouses

For the purpose of assessing tuition costs, students who are veterans, dependents, and spouses will receive in-state tuition rates if classified as one of the following:

  • The student is a member or spouse of a United States military member on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders other than attending school.
  • Effective May 22, 2012, if the student has been a member of the Alabama National Guard for a period of at least two years immediately preceding qualification for resident tuition and continues to be a member of the Alabama National Guard while enrolled at the public institution of higher education.

VA Certificate of Compliance

It is hereby resolved that Trenholm State Community College in the State of Alabama is compliant with Public Law 114-315, which modified title 38 of the United States Code (USC) 3679(c). As amended, 38 USC 3679© requires that the following individuals be charged the resident rate:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®) of title 38, United States Code, who lives in the State in which the institution is located (regardless of their formal State of residence) and enrolls in the institution within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (38 USC § 3319) who lives in the State in which the institution is located (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the institution within three years of the transferor's discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while remaining continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same institution. The person so described must have enrolled in the institution prior to the expiration of the three-year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under either Chapter 30 or Chapter 33 of Title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C.
  • § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in the State in which the institution is located (regardless of their formal State of residence).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (38 USC § 3319) who lives in the State in which the institution is located (regardless of their formal State of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.
  • Anyone using educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E).
  • Anyone using educational assistance under Chapter 35, Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) program.

*GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government Web site at