
Trenholm State Community College administrators, faculty, and staff embody the highest academic and institutional commitment to students and the community by exhibiting the following seven core values:

  1. Student Success: We are committed to the success of our students by adhering to the highest levels of academic and professional standards.
  2. Academic rigor: We are committed to standards of academic rigor that assure students a high-quality education that fosters personal and intellectual growth for productive careers and meaningful lives.
  3. Community: We foster relationships and service culture within and beyond our college community.
  4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: We recognize and value diversity in its many forms to represent the richness of the human experience.
  5. Excellence: We set and model high standards for students and our faculty, staff, administrators, and community partners.
  6. Integrity: We hold ourselves accountable to the communities we serve and seek to model personal and intellectual integrity in all we do.
  7. Leadership: We are committed to identifying the unique strengths of our faculty and staff by encouraging leadership and supervision that recognize individuals who utilize their talents in support of our students.