Withdrawal Procedures

Withdrawal Policy

A grade of "W" is assigned to a student who officially withdraws from the College.  Students may withdraw from their classes prior to the last two weeks of the semester. The date a student may withdraw from a course is included in the Academic Calendar for each term and is listed as the "Last Day to Withdraw."  It is the student's responsibility to become familiar with the Academic Calendar to know the exact date to withdraw.  A student who officially withdraws from the College will receive a grade of "W."  A grade of "W" earns zero quality points.  If a student never attended or the class is canceled, the class will be deleted, and no grade will be assigned.  However, a grade of "F" will be assigned to students who fail to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a course or who voluntarily discontinue class attendance and fail to follow the College's official withdrawal procedure.

Students considering withdrawing from classes after receiving Title IV Aid should contact the financial aid department before withdrawing in order to discuss their withdrawal options.  Additionally, financial aid recipients who completely withdraw from all classes before 60% of the semester has passed are subject to repaying a portion of any grant funds received.

** Official Withdrawal is defined as a student who completes the official withdrawal form located on the Student Forms page of the Trenholm State website at https://www.trenholmstate.edu/current-students/student-forms/.

Withdrawal Process

Students withdrawing from a course after registration ends must withdraw from a course by the published last date to withdraw from classes as noted on the College calendar. A grade of “W” will be assigned for withdrawals submitted before the published deadline.

Students withdrawing from the College must complete a withdrawal form to drop all courses for which they are registered. A grade of “W” will be assigned for withdrawals submitted before the published deadline.

Withdrawal Prior to the Start of Classes

A student who withdraws from classes prior to the first day of class will be refunded the total tuition and other institutional charges. The first-class day is not the first day of the student’s class; it is the first day of the semester.

Official Withdrawal  Total Withdrawal

Students who wish to totally withdraw from the College must complete the official withdrawal form located on the Student Forms page of the Trenholm State website (https://www.trenholmstate.edu/current-students/student-forms/). Students who submit the form prior to the first day of classes for the semester/term will be refunded the total amount of tuition and other refundable fees. The “first day of class” is the first day classes are offered within any term configuration, including, but not limited to, full terms, split terms, mini-terms, and weekend terms. Students who submit the form on or after the first day of classes, but prior to the end of the third week of classes will be refunded according to the withdrawal date, as follows:

Total Withdrawal before the official first day of class
100% refund
Total Withdrawal during the first week
75% refund
Total Withdrawal during the second week
50% refund
Total Withdrawal during the third week
25% refund
Total Withdrawal after the end of the third week

An administrative fee not to exceed 5% of tuition and other refundable institutional charges shall be assessed for each withdrawal within the period beginning the first day of class and ending at the end of the third week of class. The first official day of classes is indicated on the College calendar as the day classes begin. There is only one first day of class. This day may not be the first day on which all individual courses begin. The calendar also indicates the last day to drop/add. For calculating refunds during the fall and spring sixteen-week terms, a “week” is defined as seven calendar days, i.e., the first day of class running seven calendar days (inclusive of Saturday and Sunday). Refunds of shorter than sixteen weeks, such as summer semesters and mini terms, will reflect a prorated week based on the number of days in the term.


Classes begin June 14; the student withdraws on June 17.
Fourth day = 75% Refund Due.

Tuition/fees paid:



X   .75



Administrative Fee


Round to nearest dollar:


Refund amount:

(round to nearest dollar)



Once the withdrawal has been processed, the student will not be allowed to register again during the term of withdrawal. The withdrawn grade of “W” will be assigned for classes in which students officially withdraw from the end of the drop/add period to the withdrawal deadline. A grade of “W” means officially withdrawal from a course or from the College within a period designated by Trenholm State. Credit hours will not be calculated into the grade-point average. If a student stops attending or participating in class assignments without officially withdrawing from the class or the College, a failing grade of “F” will be assigned.