Standard of Academic Progress

Required Credit Hours, Grade-Point Averages (GPAs), and Required Pace of Completion

A student enrolled in an Associate Degree or Certificate Program requiring more than 26 credit hours must meet the following standards:

  • After attempting 0-21 credit hours, must earn a 1.50 GPA
  • After attempting 22-32 credit hours, must earn a 1.75 GPA
  • After attempting 33 or more credit hours, must earn a 2.00 GPA

Students enrolled in Certificate Programs with 26 credit hours or less must meet the following standards:

  • After attempting 1-17 credit hours, must earn a 1.50 GPA
  • After attempting 18 or more credit hours, must earn a 2.00 GPA

Exceptions to Standards of Academic Progress

Standards of academic progress shall apply to all students unless otherwise noted:

Exemptions: Programs that are subject to external licensure, certification, and/or accreditation or which are fewer than four semesters in length may have higher academic standards.

  • Transfer students on Academic Probation must adhere to these standards of academic progress.
  • Special standards of academic progress have been established for students enrolled in institutional credit courses (developmental courses) and for students who wish to remain eligible to receive Title IV Financial Aid. (See Satisfactory Academic Progress Detailed in the Financial Aid Section).

Intervention for Student Success

When a student is placed on academic probation, one-term academic suspension, or one-year academic suspension, the College may advise the student to take the minimum course load and refer the student to the Student Success Center for intervention in study skills and tutorials. Other services may be available on a case-by-case basis. For assistance or more information from the Student Success Center, please email

Application of Standards of Progress for Institutional Credit Courses

Institutional credit courses are those which are not creditable toward a formal degree and include Training for Existing Business and Industry, Continuing Education, and courses numbered below the 100 series.

Standards of Academic Progress for Transfer Student

A transfer student who is admitted on CLEAR academic status is subject to the same standards of academic progress as “native” students. Grades accrued at other regionally accredited colleges and universities are not included in the grade point average calculation.

A transfer student admitted on ACADEMIC PROBATION retains that status until the student has attempted at least 12 credit hours. If, at the conclusion of the semester in which the student has attempted a total of 12 or more credit hours and the Cumulative GPA is below 2.0, the student is suspended for one semester. The transcript will read SUSPENDED ONE SEMESTER.

At the conclusion of the semester in which the transfer student was admitted on ACADEMIC PROBATION, has attempted a total of 12 or more credit hours, and the Cumulative GPA at the College is 2.0 or above, the student’s status is CLEAR. For additional information regarding transfer credit see the “Records and Registration” section of this catalog.

Academic Bankruptcy

Academic bankruptcy is the removal of one to three semesters of grades from the calculation of a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA). A student must complete a request for Academic Bankruptcy listing the semester(s) he/she wishes to bankrupt. This form, which is located on the College’s website at, must be signed by the Registrar. The following apply to any request for academic bankruptcy:

  1. Academic bankruptcy is initiated by a written request from the student to the registrar/records official.
  2. Upon receipt of the student’s request, the college will inform the student that an award of academic bankruptcy may impact his/her financial aid status.
  3. Academic bankruptcy may only be declared once and may be applied to no more than three (3) semesters, which do not have to be consecutive.
  4. The bankrupted courses and grades remain on the transcript but are not calculated in the student’s cumulative GPA.
  5. None of the coursework taken during a semester for which academic bankruptcy is declared, including hours completed satisfactorily, will be used to fulfill degree requirements.
  6. Developmental courses successfully completed during a period of academic bankruptcy can be used to fulfill prerequisites.
  7. To be eligible for academic bankruptcy, the student must have completed 12 semester credit hours of coursework at the college since the most recent semester for which the academic bankruptcy is requested. A grade of “C”, “S”, or higher is required in each course in 12 semester credit hours in the post-bankruptcy period.
  8. When a student receives a declaration of academic bankruptcy, a permanent notation of “ACADEMIC BANKRUPTCY” will be reflected on the transcript for each semester affected.
  9. Approval of the academic bankruptcy status at a college does not guarantee other institutions will honor that status. This determination will be made by the respective transfer institution(s).

Repetition of Courses and Course Forgiveness

Students may repeat courses for which they have previously registered. Courses completed at Trenholm State may be repeated at Trenholm State. Course forgiveness is implemented when a student repeats a course and the higher/highest grade awarded (excluding the grades of W and WP) replaces all previous grades for that course in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The official transcript will list the course and grade each time it is attempted.

When a student completes a course more than once, the highest grade will be counted in the GPA and all other grades excluded from the GPA. Official transcripts will list each course in which a student was enrolled.

A student may repeat a course more than once, but the course may be counted only once toward fulfillment of credit hours for graduation.


Some sources of financial aid will not pay tuition for repeated courses. See the Financial Aid section in the Catalog regarding eligibility for repeat courses and repeat developmental courses.

Application of Standards of Progress

  • When the cumulative GPA of a student is at or above the GPA required for the total number of credit hours attempted, the student’s status is CLEAR.
  • When the cumulative GPA of a student is below the GPA required for the number of credit hours attempted, the student is placed on Academic Probation.
  • When the cumulative GPA of a student on Academic Probation remains below the GPA required for the total number of credit hours attempted, but the semester GPA is 2.0 or above, the student remains on Academic Probation.
  • When the cumulative GPA of a student on Academic Probation remains below the GPA required for the total number of credit hours attempted, and the semester GPA is below 2.0, the student is suspended for one term. The transcript will read SUSPENDED- ONE SEMESTER.
  • The student suspended for one term may appeal. If, after appeal, the student is readmitted without serving the one-semester suspension, the transcript will read SUSPENDED-ONE SEMESTER/READMITTED ON APPEAL.
  • The student readmitted on appeal will remain on Academic Probation until a 2.0 grade point average is earned.
  • A student on Academic Probation after being suspended for one semester (whether the student has served the suspension or has been readmitted on appeal) without having since achieved Clear academic status and whose Cumulative GPA falls below the level required for the total number of hours attempted, but whose semester GPA is 2.0 or above, will remain on Academic Probation until the student achieves the required GPA for the total number of hours attempted. Readmission to the College does not mean a student is automatically eligible for financial assistance.
  • A student returning from one semester or one-year suspension and, while on academic probation, fails to obtain the required GPA for the number of hours attempted and fails to maintain a semester GPA of 2.0 will be placed on one year’s suspension.
  • The student may appeal a one-term or one-year suspension.
  • The permanent student record will reflect the student’s status (except when the status is “clear”). When appropriate, the record will reflect ACADEMIC PROBATION, SUSPENDED ONE SEMESTER, ACADEMIC SUSPENSION ONE YEAR, SUSPENDED ONE SEMESTER/READMITTED ON APPEAL, OR ONE YEAR SUSPENSION READMITTED ON APPEAL.
  • All applicable academic designations except “CLEAR” will appear on the student’s transcript.

Process for Appeal for Readmission

If a student declares no contest to the facts leading to suspension but wishes to request consideration for readmission, the student may submit a request in writing for an “appeal for readmission” to the Admissions Committee within 3-5 days of notice of suspension. The Admissions Committee shall not be considered a “due process” hearing, but rather a petition for readmission. The student shall be given an opportunity to present a rationale and/or statement of circumstances in support of immediate readmission. The decision of the Admissions Committee, along with the materials presented by the student, shall be placed in the student’s official records. Additionally, a copy of the written decision shall be provided to the student.